Colestasis, ¿cole qué?
(English below)

Esa es una nueva palabra para mi diccionario. Si me conoces / sigues, entonces sabes que estuve embarazada en el 2019. Y tal vez te diste cuenta de que Baby Ander nació antes de lo esperado. Tuve un embarazo muy hermoso, super deseado y feliz. Lo disfruté bastante y puedo decirte que aunque al final tuvimos que tomar una salida de emergencia, me siento muy bendecida de cómo viví todos esos meses llenos de felicidad y bastante amor.


Mi primer trimestre fue mejor de lo esperado. Esperaba tener náuseas «matutinas», vomitar a diario y pasarla medio mal. ¿Por qué? Porque lo escuché antes de amistades, familiares e incluso en películas. (ignora todo lo que ves en las películas sobre el embarazo, todas somos diferentes y casi siempre exageran mucho). La verdad no vomité, ni la pasé mal. Tuve náuseas durante diferentes momentos del día, pero nada que no pudiera manejar. Se me antojaban mucho mis Kacang picantes favoritos cuando tenía náuseas y bebía agua helada deliciosa y con eso se me quitaba. Las primeras semanas recuerdo que tenía tanto sueño todo el tiempo, hubo un día en especial que me sentía agotada y solo quería dormir. Lo bueno es que pude tomarme el tiempo para hacer eso. Continué con mis entrenamientos durante estos meses, incluyendo spinning, yoga y HIIT. Recomiendo (si tu Dr. te da luz verde) que continúes haciendo las cosas que hacías antes de quedar embarazada (estoy hablando de hacer ejercicio, obviamente …)


En mi segundo trimestre, me sentí mucho mejor que el primero. Tuve antojos salados y picantes durante mi embarazo, pero lo que más ansiaba era un elote desgranado en específico que venden cerca del trabajo de mi esposo (DE-LI). Todo se sentía bien, las citas con mi Ginecóloga fueron perfectas, mis exámenes de sangre también salían bien, todo estuvo más que bien. La frecuencia de mis ejercicios comenzaron a disminuir un poco al final de este trimestre y preferí seguir con la corriente con lo que mi cuerpo y mi mente necesitaban. Algunos días necesitaba descanso y paz, otros sudar con un super workout. Así como algunos días, comía súper saludable y limpio y otros días disfrutaba de cosas mas munchosas. Antes de concluir con este trimestre; ¡PATADITAS DE BEBÉ! El mejor sentimiento nuevo durante el embarazo (lo extraño), me encantaba sentir que podía comunicarme así con él, le cantaba, bailaba, y cada vez que lo sentía moverse, mi corazón se hacía más grande.


Llegó mi tercer trimestre y con él, la falta de aliento. ¿Qué es esto? Nunca me había sentido tan fuera de forma. La actividad más simple como hacer la cama me hacía sentir bofeada. Sentí todo tipo de novedades; la pesadez, el cansancio, el insomnio y el no encontrar una buena posición para dormir cómodamente. Ah, ¿mencioné la acidez estomacal? WOW. En el momento en que me acostaba a dormir, sentía  fuego subir de mi estómago a mi garganta. Lo bueno es que esto último no duró mucho y disfruté mi nuevo gran «baby bump». De verdad, sentir a tu bebé bailar y patear dentro de ti es el sentimiento más feliz de todos. Cada vez que sentía a baby Ander moverse y patearme (aunque a veces doliera) me hacía sonreír de oreja a oreja.


Pasaron las semanas y de repente comencé a sentir comezón en T O D O S  LADOS. Todo mi abdomen, mis brazos, mis piernas, mi espalda, incluso mi cuello. Fue horrible, hidratarme con cremas o aplicar aceites no funcionó. Al principio pensé, «es normal, mi piel se está estirando mucho». Pero cuando comencé a tener picazón en la palmas de las manos y en las plantas de los pies, dije: «esta no es normal, esta área de mi piel no se estira con el embarazo, ¿por qué me pica tanto?».. E hice lo único que nunca debes hacer: Googlear. Encontré dos respuestas:

1. La picazón es común en el embarazo. Por lo general, se cree que es causado por niveles elevados de ciertos químicos en la sangre, como las hormonas.
2. La picazón puede ser un síntoma de una afección hepática llamada colestasis intrahepática del embarazo, también conocida como colestasis obstétrica (OC). (ICP) es un trastorno hepático potencialmente grave que puede desarrollarse en el embarazo.

(La acumulación de ácidos biliares reduce el flujo sanguíneo a la placenta, lo que puede provocar una disminución de los movimientos fetales, sufrimiento fetal, trabajo de parto prematuro e incluso la muerte intrauterina del bebé debido a la bilis y las sales biliares que se acumulan en la placenta).

Lo dejé ir para ver si esta comezón desaparecía por sí sola. Pero luego me di cuenta de que la picazón todavía me estaba atacando después de varios días de aplicar mucho aceite después de bañarme más una capa de crema hidratante durante el día. Hasta que un Sábado le dije a mi esposo que busqué en Google algunas cosas y le pregunté, ¿y si tengo colestasis? (Obviamente, él me hizo LA CARA que todo médico hace cuando un paciente dice «Lo busqué en Google y …»). O sea, entiendo, si no sabes cómo buscar las cosas, puedes pensar que tienes un tumor cerebral debido a tu dolor de cabeza del lunes, cuando tal vez es solo el cansancio de todo tu fin de semana. Pero después de LA CARA y de «Anette deja de buscar en Google cosas», me revisó rápido, mi piel no estaba amarilla ni mis ojos (uno de los síntomas). pero todavía tenía un mal presentimiento y seguía insistiendo, dije que prefería sonar paranoica pero asegurarme de que todo está bien en lugar de mantenerlo en silencio y escuchar las palabras «¿por qué no hablaste antes?».

Así que le envió un mensaje de texto a mi ginecóloga sobre mis preocupaciones y mi comezón, y ella me pidió un análisis de sangre solo para asegurarnos. Al día siguiente fuimos al hospital, tomaron una muestra de mi sangre y luego salimos a almorzar. Un par de horas después sonó el teléfono de mi esposo (era mi ginecóloga) y pude escuchar; «Hay que sacar a ese bebé el próximo fin de semana». Imagínate, solo tenía 35 semanas (serían 36 el jueves).

Recibí 2 inyecciones para ayudar a que los pulmones de mi bebé terminaran de desarrollarse y tomé un medicamento durante la semana para ver si mejoraba y poder posponer el parto por una semana más (para tener 37 semanas). El viernes 6 de diciembre me hice la nueva prueba de laboratorio y el resultado llegó. Salí 3 veces peor que antes y recibí una llamada de mi médico diciéndome que fuera al hospital a internarme y que ya me llevara mi maleta y todas mis cosas de maternidad para comenzar a inducir el parto. Lo bueno es que mis papás estaban cerca de mi casa (íbamos a ir a comer juntos ese día), así que los llamé y les dije: «se cancela la comida, ¿pueden llevarme al hospital?» Estaba emocionada, nerviosa y feliz al mismo tiempo. Lo único que me ponía nerviosa fue pensar en la salud de mi bebé. El plan era inducir el parto primero y si eso fallaba (hay un porcentaje de cuando se induce el parto que termina en el quirófano), entonces tendría una cesárea de emergencia.


Me registré y después de muchas preguntas del personal médico y los residentes; indujeron el parto (aplicando una pastilla cerca de mi cuello uterino) y después de 2 horas comenzó mi trabajo de parto. Las contracciones iban y venían, cada vez más frecuentes e intensas. Mi esposo Sebastián estaba en el hospital ya que el trabaja allí, así que para cuando las contracciones estaban muy frecuentes, ya estaba en la habitación conmigo. Para ser honesta, no fueron tan malas (si tienes cólicos menstruales fuertes, son así, pero más intensos) lo que realmente me ayudó fue RESPIRAR y meditar mientras visualizaba cómo fluía todo y recordar que todo es temporal.


Pasaron las horas y solo dilaté 1 cm, por lo que agregaron algo de oxitocina en mi vía intravenosa para acelerar las cosas y ver si dilataba lo suficiente. Estaba tan cansada que creo que eran alrededor de las 2 de la mañana cuando agregaron la oxitocina. Entre las 4 y las 5 de la mañana estaba tan exhausta que pude hacer micro siestas incluso a través de las contracciones.

Después de 13 horas de trabajo de parto sin dilatación, mi ginecóloga entró a mi habitación (alrededor de las 6 a.m.) y me dijo que se intentó tener un parto vaginal natural, pero que ahora teníamos que ir a la sala de operaciones para una cesárea. Debo confesar que me agüité un poco porque realmente quería un parto natural, pero mi prioridad era la salud de mi bebé, y en ese momento una cesárea era la única opción para nuestro bienestar. Después de cinco minutos, me sentí más que lista para recibir a Baby Ander en mis brazos. Mi esposo estuvo a mi lado durante toda la cirugía y todo salió perfecto.


Baby Ander nació un sábado por la mañana, a las 7:30 am, y cuando lo escuché llorar, mi corazón se expandió de una manera que no sabía que era posible. Me siento muy feliz y afortunada de tener un bebé sano en mis brazos en este momento y toda esta experiencia me enseñó a seguir escuchando mi cuerpo y a esa voz interna que todos tenemos. Nuestros cuerpos son muy inteligentes y nos envían pequeños mensajes a través de sueños, intuiciones y dolores corporales. Por favor escucha a tu cuerpo.
(Después de 8 semanas PP me hice un nuevo análisis de sangre y todo salió bien, la colestasis generalmente desaparece unos días después del parto).


Decidí compartir mi historia para crear conciencia, para que puedas pasar la voz, ayudar a alguien o a ti mismo en caso de que comiences a sentir LA COMEZÓN. La colestasis del embarazo es un trastorno hepático muy grave. No hay preguntas tontas durante el embarazo. Hazlas todas y escucha a tu cuerpo.


Con cariño, Anette.


Cholestasis, what the hell?

That’s a new word for my dictionary. If you know me / follow me then you know I was pregnant in 2019. And maybe you noticed that I delivered my Baby Ander sooner than expected. I had a very beautiful, planned and joyful pregnancy. I enjoyed it a lot and I can tell you that although in the end we had to take an emergency exit, I feel very blessed with how I lived all those months full of happiness and love.

My first trimester went better than expected. I was expecting to have bad «morning» sickness, throwing up daily and having a bad time. Why? Because I heard it before from friends, family, and even movies. (ignore everything you see in movies about pregnancy, we all are different).

Anyway, I didn’t throw up, I didn’t have a bad time. I did have «morning» sickness during different times of the day but nothing that I couldn’t handle. I craved my favorite spicy nuts when I was nauseous and drank super iced cold water (felt so good!). The first weeks I remember being so sleepy all the time, there was a day I felt drained and only wanted to sleep. The good thing is I could take the time to do that. I carried on with my workouts during these months, including spinning, yoga, and HIIT. I recommend (If your Dr gives you the green light) to continue doing the things you did before getting pregnant (I’m talking about exercising of course..).

In my second trimester, I felt way better than the first. I had salty and spicy craving during my pregnancy, but what I craved more was this specific Mexican corn that they sell near my husband’s work (DE-LI-CIOUS). So, everything felt good, my doctor’s appointments went perfectly, my blood work was good as well, everything was more than ok. My workouts frequency started to decrease a little bit at the end of this trimester and I went with the flow with what my body and mind needed. Some days I needed rest and peace, others a good sweat. Just like some days, I ate super healthy and clean and others I indulged in some munchies or a burger for dinner. And before I conclude with this trimester; BABY KICKS! The best new feeling during pregnancy (I miss that), I loved feeling I could communicate with him like that, I sang to him, I danced, and every time I felt him move It made my heart grow bigger.

My third trimester came and with it shortness of breath. What is this? I have never felt so out of shape. The simplest task like doing my bed made me feel like I just ran a little bit. This was all kinds of new; the heaviness, the tiredness, insomnia and not finding a good position to fall asleep comfortably. Oh, did I mentioned the heartburn? Wow. The minute I laid down to sleep it felt like fire was coming up from my stomach to my throat. The good thing is the latter didn’t last for long and I did enjoy my new big baby bump. I mean for real, feeling your baby dance and kick inside you is the happiest feeling ever. Every time I felt Baby Ander move and kick me (even if it hurt sometimes) It made me smile from ear to ear.

Weeks passed by and suddenly I started to itch, E V E R Y W H E R E. My whole tummy, my arms, my legs, my back, even my neck. It was awful and moisturizing or applying oil didn’t do the trick. At first, I thought, «well it is normal, my skin is stretching out a lot». But when I started having an itch in the palm of my hands and soles of my feet I said, «what the hell, this skin area isn’t stretching with pregnancy so why am I itching so bad?». And I did the one thing you should never do: Google It. I found two answers:

1. Itching is common in pregnancy. Usually, it’s thought to be caused by raised levels of certain chemicals in the blood, such as hormones.
2. Itching can be a symptom of a liver condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), also known as obstetric cholestasis (OC).
(ICP) is a potentially serious liver disorder that can develop in pregnancy.
(Build-up of bile acids reduces blood flow to the placenta, which can lead to decreased fetal movements, fetal distress, preterm labor and even in-utero death of the baby due to the bile and bile salts building up in the placenta).

I let it go to see If this itchiness would go away on its own. But then I realized the itchiness was still attacking me after several days of applying lots of oil after my shower and then a coat of moisturizer during the day. Until one Saturday I said to my husband I googled some stuff and asked him, what If I had Cholestasis? (Obviously, he made me THE FACE every Doctor makes when a patient says  » I googled it and..») . I mean I get it, If you don’t know how to look things up you may think you have a brain tumor because of your Monday headache when maybe its just tiredness from all your weekend. But after THE FACE and the «stop googling things» he did check me, but my skin wasn’t yellow nor did my eyes ( one of the symptoms). but I still had a bad feeling and kept insisting, I said I prefer to sound paranoid but to be sure everything is fine instead of keeping it quiet and listen to the words «why didn’t you talk before?».

So he texted my gynecologist about my worries and my itchiness and she ordered me some blood work just to be sure. The very next day we went to the hospital, they took a sample of my blood and then we went out for brunch. A couple of hours later my husband’s phone rang (It was my Gynecologist) and I overheard the conversation; «We have to get that baby out next weekend». Imagine that, I was only 35 weeks (would be 36 on Thursday).

I got 2 injections to help my baby’s lungs finish developing and I took a medicine during the week to see If I improved and postpone inducing labor for one more week  (so I could be 37 weeks). On Friday, December 6 I took the new lab test and the result came in. They were 3x worse than before and I got a call from my Doctor telling me to come by the hospital and check in with all my maternity stuff to start inducing labor that same day. Good thing my parents were nearby my house (we were going to have lunch together that day) so I called them and say «Soo, lunch plans are cancelled, can you take me to the hospital instead?» I was excited, nervous and happy at the same time. The only thing that made me nervous was thinking about my baby’s health. The plan was to induce labor first and If that failed (there’s a percentage of induced labor ending up on the OR and having a cesarean) then I would be having an emergency c-section.

I checked-in and after lots of questions from medical staff and residents; they induced labor (applying a pill near my cervix) and after 2 hours my labor started. Contractions came and go, every time faster and more intense. My husband Sebastian was already at the hospital since he works there, so by the time contractions were more frequent he was already in the room with me.
To be honest they were not that bad, (If you get painful menstrual cramps they are like that, but more intense) what really helped me was to BREATHE and meditate while visualizing how everything was flowing and remembering that everything is temporary.

Hours passed by and I only dilated 1 cm, so they added some oxytocin into my intravenous to speed things up and see if I dilated enough. I was so tired, I think it was around 2 am when this next step started. By 4 – 5 am I was so exhausted I managed to do micro naps even through contractions.

After 13 hours of labor without dilation, my Gynecologist came into my room (around 6am) and told me that we tried having a natural vaginal birth but we had to go into the operation room for a c-section now. I must confess I got a little bit emotional because I really wanted a natural birth but my priority was my baby’s health, and in that moment a c-section was the only option for our wellbeing. So after five minutes I felt more than ready to receive Baby Ander into my arms. My husband was by my side the entire surgery and everything went perfect.

Baby Ander was born on a Saturday morning, at 7:30am, and when I heard him cry my heart expanded in a way I didn’t know It was even possible. I feel very happy and lucky to have a healthy baby in my arms right now and this whole experience taught me to keep listening to my gut. Our bodies are so intelligent and they send us little messages through dreams, intuitions and body aches. Please listen to yourself. 
(After 8 weeks PP I took new blood work and everything is good now, Cholestasis usually goes away within a few days after delivery.)

I decided to share my story to create awareness, so you can pass the voice, help someone or yourself in case you start feeling THE ITCH. Cholestasis of pregnancy is a very serious liver disorder. There are no stupid questions during pregnancy. Make them all and listen to your body.

Love, Anette.

Hi, I'm Anette Morgan, the wellness enthusiast behind this lifestyle blog. Full with healthy and yummy recipes, fitness, yoga practice, my personal style, photography and everything I adore. This page is all me, hoping to inspire someone somewhere. Namasté !


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    Libraries of the Carolingian era). IN

  • agosto 9, 2023


    book about the chess of love «, created by

  • agosto 9, 2023


    only a few survived.

  • agosto 9, 2023


    Manuscript is a collective name for texts

  • agosto 9, 2023


    manuscripts attributed to Robins

  • agosto 9, 2023


    Many calligraphers have acquired

  • agosto 9, 2023


    monuments related to deep

  • agosto 9, 2023


    monuments related to deep

  • agosto 9, 2023


    A handwritten book is a book

  • agosto 9, 2023


    manuscripts held onto

  • agosto 13, 2023


    Duke de Montosier

  • agosto 14, 2023


    At the same time, many antique

  • agosto 14, 2023


    collection of poems composed

  • agosto 14, 2023


    (palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in

  • agosto 14, 2023


    text carrier and protective

  • agosto 14, 2023


    new texts were rewritten

  • agosto 15, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 15, 2023


    (palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in

  • agosto 15, 2023


    From many manuscripts of Antiquity

  • agosto 15, 2023


    elements (case, binding).

  • agosto 15, 2023


    Manuscript is a collective name for texts

  • agosto 15, 2023


    mostly in monasteries.

  • agosto 15, 2023


    handwritten by the author.

  • agosto 15, 2023


    By the end of the 15th century, 35

  • agosto 15, 2023


    only a few survived.

  • agosto 15, 2023


    drafts of literary works

  • agosto 15, 2023


    inventions of typography

  • agosto 15, 2023


    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  • agosto 15, 2023


    By the end of the 15th century, 35

  • agosto 15, 2023


    Middle Ages as in Western

  • agosto 15, 2023


    for Countess Louise of Savoy

  • agosto 15, 2023


    manuscripts attributed to Robins

  • agosto 15, 2023


    from a printed book, reproduction

  • agosto 15, 2023


    From many manuscripts of Antiquity

  • agosto 15, 2023


    Libraries of the Carolingian era). IN

  • agosto 15, 2023


    for Countess Louise of Savoy

  • agosto 15, 2023


    so expensive material

  • agosto 15, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 15, 2023


    then only a few have reached us

  • agosto 15, 2023


    among them acquired «Moral

  • agosto 15, 2023


    then only a few have reached us

  • agosto 16, 2023


    At the same time, many antique

  • agosto 16, 2023


    Since the era of Charlemagne

  • agosto 16, 2023


    the best poets of his era and

  • agosto 16, 2023


    for Countess Louise of Savoy

  • agosto 16, 2023


    By the end of the 15th century, 35

  • agosto 16, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 16, 2023


    Western Europe also formed

  • agosto 16, 2023


    books in ancient times was papyrus

  • agosto 16, 2023


    only a few survived.

  • agosto 16, 2023


    Many calligraphers have acquired

  • agosto 16, 2023


    XVII century was Nicholas Jarry .

  • agosto 16, 2023


    … As a rule, the manuscript is called

  • agosto 16, 2023


    … As a rule, the manuscript is called

  • agosto 16, 2023


    the best poets of his era and

  • agosto 16, 2023


    The most common form

  • agosto 16, 2023


    or their samples written

  • agosto 16, 2023


    Duke de Montosier

  • agosto 16, 2023


    book about the chess of love «, created by

  • agosto 16, 2023


    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

  • agosto 16, 2023


    number of surviving European

  • agosto 16, 2023


    antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

  • agosto 17, 2023


    XVII century was Nicholas Jarry .

  • agosto 17, 2023


    manuscripts attributed to Robins

  • agosto 19, 2023


    manuscripts held onto

  • agosto 19, 2023


    Century to a kind of destruction:

  • agosto 19, 2023


    elements (case, binding).

  • agosto 19, 2023


    The most common form

  • agosto 19, 2023


    Of his works, he is especially famous

  • agosto 19, 2023


    Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration

  • agosto 19, 2023


    the best poets of his era and

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Many calligraphers have acquired

  • agosto 20, 2023


    A handwritten book is a book

  • agosto 20, 2023


    and was erased, and on cleaned

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration

  • agosto 20, 2023


    55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian

  • agosto 20, 2023


    drafts of literary works

  • agosto 20, 2023


    from a printed book, reproduction

  • agosto 20, 2023


    mostly in monasteries.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Since the era of Charlemagne

  • agosto 20, 2023


    collection of poems composed

  • agosto 20, 2023


    which is carried out by the printing

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Testaru. Best known

  • agosto 20, 2023


    so expensive material

  • agosto 20, 2023


    number of surviving European

  • agosto 20, 2023


    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    written on the parchment was scratched out

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Testaru. Best known

  • agosto 20, 2023


    works of art.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    handwritten by the author.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

  • agosto 20, 2023


    number of surviving European

  • agosto 20, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Testaru. Best known

  • agosto 20, 2023


    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    ancient and medieval Latin,

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Preserved about 300 thousand.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    which is carried out by the printing

  • agosto 20, 2023


    «Julia’s Garland» (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  • agosto 20, 2023


    consists of the book itself

  • agosto 20, 2023


    Preserved about 300 thousand.

  • agosto 20, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 20, 2023


    At the same time, many antique

  • agosto 20, 2023


    inventions of typography

  • agosto 20, 2023


    A handwritten book is a book

  • agosto 21, 2023


    reproduced by hand, in contrast

  • agosto 21, 2023


    consists of the book itself

  • agosto 21, 2023


    multiplies (see also article

  • agosto 21, 2023


    ancient and medieval Latin,

  • agosto 21, 2023


    Century to a kind of destruction:

  • agosto 21, 2023


    inventions of typography

  • agosto 21, 2023


    Of his works, he is especially famous

  • agosto 21, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 21, 2023


    At the same time, many antique

  • agosto 21, 2023


    or their samples written

  • agosto 21, 2023


    drafts of literary works

  • agosto 21, 2023


    Manuscript is a collective name for texts

  • agosto 21, 2023


    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

  • agosto 21, 2023


    number of surviving European

  • agosto 21, 2023


    manuscripts significantly

  • agosto 21, 2023


    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  • agosto 21, 2023


    antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

  • agosto 21, 2023


    so expensive material

  • agosto 23, 2023


    Manuscript is a collective name for texts

  • agosto 23, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 23, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 23, 2023


    antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

  • agosto 23, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 23, 2023


    consists of the book itself

  • agosto 23, 2023


    text carrier and protective

  • agosto 23, 2023


    then only a few have reached us

  • agosto 23, 2023


    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

  • agosto 23, 2023


    collection of poems composed

  • agosto 23, 2023


    collection of poems composed

  • agosto 23, 2023


    book about the chess of love «, created by

  • agosto 23, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 24, 2023


    , text and illustrations to which

  • agosto 24, 2023


    drafts of literary works

  • agosto 24, 2023


    manuscripts held onto

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Duke de Montosier

  • agosto 24, 2023


    scroll. Go to Code Form

  • agosto 24, 2023


    consists of the book itself

  • agosto 24, 2023


    text carrier and protective

  • agosto 24, 2023


    then only a few have reached us

  • agosto 24, 2023


    mostly in monasteries.

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Preserved about 300 thousand.

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Duke de Montosier

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Duke de Montosier

  • agosto 24, 2023


    XVII century was Nicholas Jarry .

  • agosto 24, 2023


    handwritten books were made,

  • agosto 24, 2023


    One of the most skilled calligraphers

  • agosto 24, 2023


    inventions of typography

  • agosto 24, 2023


    books in ancient times was papyrus

  • agosto 24, 2023


    At the same time, many antique

  • agosto 24, 2023


    commonly associated with

  • agosto 24, 2023


    scroll. Go to Code Form

  • agosto 24, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 24, 2023


    manuscripts held onto

  • agosto 24, 2023


    among them acquired «Moral

  • agosto 24, 2023


    55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian

  • agosto 24, 2023


    number of surviving European

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Testaru. Best known

  • agosto 24, 2023


    book about the chess of love «, created by

  • agosto 24, 2023


    term manuscript (late lat.manuscriptum,

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Century to a kind of destruction:

  • agosto 24, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 24, 2023


    «Julia’s Garland» (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  • agosto 24, 2023


    or their samples written

  • agosto 24, 2023


    multiplies (see also article

  • agosto 24, 2023


    Preserved about 300 thousand.

  • agosto 25, 2023


    From many manuscripts of Antiquity

  • agosto 25, 2023


    collection of poems composed

  • agosto 25, 2023


    and was erased, and on cleaned

  • agosto 25, 2023


    European glory, and even after

  • agosto 25, 2023


    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  • agosto 25, 2023


    so expensive material

  • agosto 25, 2023


    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  • agosto 25, 2023


    ancient and medieval Latin,

  • agosto 25, 2023


    from lat. manus – «hand» and scribo – «I write») ]

  • agosto 25, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 25, 2023


    55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian

  • agosto 25, 2023


    «Julia’s Garland» (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  • agosto 25, 2023


    «Julia’s Garland» (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  • agosto 25, 2023


    XVII century was Nicholas Jarry .

  • agosto 25, 2023


    At the same time, many antique

  • agosto 25, 2023


    and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts

  • agosto 25, 2023


    from lat. manus – «hand» and scribo – «I write») ]

  • agosto 25, 2023


    Preserved about 300 thousand.

  • agosto 25, 2023


    55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian

  • agosto 25, 2023


    written on the parchment was scratched out

  • agosto 25, 2023


    only a few survived.

  • agosto 25, 2023


    By the end of the 15th century, 35

  • agosto 25, 2023


    Preserved about 300 thousand.

  • agosto 25, 2023


    Of his works, he is especially famous

  • agosto 26, 2023


    manuscripts significantly

  • agosto 26, 2023


    only a few survived.

  • agosto 26, 2023


    reproduced by hand, in contrast

  • agosto 26, 2023


    reproduced by hand, in contrast

  • agosto 26, 2023


    The most common form

  • agosto 26, 2023


    and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts

  • agosto 26, 2023


    multiplies (see also article

  • agosto 26, 2023

    Thankks forr sharing your thouvhts aboht 660. Regards

  • agosto 28, 2023


    Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration

  • agosto 28, 2023


    inventions of typography

  • agosto 28, 2023


    antiquities. These are the Egyptian papyri

  • agosto 28, 2023


    text carrier and protective

  • agosto 28, 2023


    reproduced by hand, in contrast

  • agosto 28, 2023


    Western Europe also formed

  • agosto 28, 2023


    Libraries of the Carolingian era). IN

  • agosto 28, 2023


    term manuscript (late lat.manuscriptum,

  • agosto 28, 2023


    commonly associated with

  • agosto 28, 2023


    manuscripts underwent in the Middle

  • agosto 28, 2023


    Western Europe also formed

  • agosto 28, 2023


    which is carried out by the printing

  • agosto 29, 2023

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    and was erased, and on cleaned

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    among them acquired «Moral

  • agosto 30, 2023


    text carrier and protective

  • agosto 30, 2023


    commonly associated with

  • agosto 31, 2023


    the best poets of his era and

  • agosto 31, 2023


    inventions of typography

  • agosto 31, 2023


    number of surviving European

  • agosto 31, 2023


    handwritten books were made,

  • agosto 31, 2023


    new texts were rewritten

  • agosto 31, 2023


    «Julia’s Garland» (fr. Guirlande de Julie)

  • agosto 31, 2023


    the spread of parchment.

  • agosto 31, 2023


    and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts

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