Cabin Weekend

Cabin Fever. I had the opportunity to take a weekend off from the city, I stayed in a Cabin at Ciénega de Gonzalez, a place full of nature, clear sky and near El Salto, where the water is cold but people go there on ATVs, walking, climbing or in trucks.

It was a really nice quiet weekend and I can´t wait to go back.

My friends and I played memorama for a while, had coffee every day and some drinks at night with some vegan grill dinner.

While on the road, we stopped on several beautiful spots to take pictures, here I am making a yoga pose known as Dancers Pose.

Tree pose on a rock, in a river a side from the road.

I want to take a roadtrip again!

I love this picture, I felt like Red Riding Hood while hiking.

Anette Morgan Cabin Weekend Life Mexico red riding hood nature

Here I am in the place I mentioned before,  El Salto.

Anette Morgan Cabin Weekend Life Mexico coffee

Morning with Coffee, a must.

Me encantó haber tomado este fin de semana fuera de la ciudad en las cabañas de Ciénega de Gonzalez, Antiguo Aserradero. De verdad que es super relajante aislarte de la rutina, la gente y demás por un fin de semana. Estar rodeada de naturaleza y animales y ese olor divino antes de que caiga la lluvia (nos llovió).. Ya quiero volver a tomarme un fin de semana así donde no haces nada más que descansar, cocinar platillos veganos, tomar café, caminar para conocer alrededor, ver el cielo super despejado y lleno de estrellas y no preocuparte por absolutamente nada. ♥


Hi, I'm Anette Morgan, the wellness enthusiast behind this lifestyle blog. Full with healthy and yummy recipes, fitness, yoga practice, my personal style, photography and everything I adore. This page is all me, hoping to inspire someone somewhere. Namasté !

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